Want to be more productive? Have more structure and accountability?

Beat Procrastination, Overwhelm & Distractions

Develop Your Leadership Skills

Learn Organisational Skills

No Risk. Money Back Guarantee

Developed over 60 Years, 2 Million People Trained Worldwide

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Develop your Leadership Program with us & help people reach their full potential

We Can Deliver These Goals Together

Effective Personal Productivity & Leadership Leads To Strategic Excellence

Planning, prioritising, managing, and training ensure you understand where you are, where you want to go and how you are going to get there. By following the process you can commit more action on the right goals and achieve more in less time.

Leadership Development

High performing companies maximise the potential of all their people throughout their organisations by implementing a culture of ongoing training. Dramatic change like this requires a process that includes planning, goal setting and practical application.

 Learning together using materials developed over 60 years, in 27 languages across 80 countries and completed by 2 million participants ensures you grow together

Pre-Employment Assessments

Take the guess work out of your hiring and team building with our data. led disruptive technology. Pre recruitment assessments let you assess candidates objectively and without bias, Without the need for inflated CVs and fanciful Cover Letters.

Measure your candidates against expertly benchmarked skills, ability and attitude to remove unconscious bias and subjectivity and build teams fit for the job.

Business Growth

Only by investing time and effort in developing future leaders and building excellent teams can the goals and productivity increases be set and managed.

With careful planning the sales and marketing can power the future growth of your business into new markets or new products and services. Only by a measured and structured planning process can sustainable growth be achieved. Our experience can be leveraged to achieve your targets

On-Going Support

Your Right Hand Man,®️ Engage with us and we become your ‘Right Hand Man’®️ Our Monthly Subscription includes full access to your business trainer and coach.

With over 30 years real world experience of owning, selling and failing I have walked a mile in your shoes. I have the practical real world experience to help you avoid costly mistakes, to help you plan correctly and ensure those plans are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and tangible.

Trusted by the big brands, by 10,000+ small businesses and freelancers

The Total Leader Process helps you develop consistent quality leaders to meet your companies needs

Experience our award winning system working for you risk free - if at the half-way stage having completed all aspects of the programme up to that point, you cannot see a return on your investment, we will refund your entire investment.

why not book a free consultation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eos explicabo doloribus ut labore minus ut saepe modi 33 odit galisum. Qui omnis magni qui vitae fugit sed veritatis quis et inventore beatae sed dolorem officiis. Eum autem deserunt aut facilis magnam est quia perferendis.

Quo atque provident 33 esse perferendis 33 temporibus nesciunt non iure galisum et quibusdam nihil! Sed repellendus distinctio vel voluptatibus possimus cum facilis voluptatibus aut quia vitae et quaerat dolor et nihil galisum. Aut fugiat molestiae non galisum explicabo cum maiores totam qui quod molestias aut voluptatem quas sed deleniti tempora. Id minus eius aut perferendis quisquam est voluptatem odio.

We Love Our Clients

Join us on our online Foundations of Success Workshop for free

Come and learn some of the foundations of our training for free. We offer two free places to all organisations to come and see the practical tools we offer to help you make best use of your time, stop procrastination and work and lead smarter. I can give you another YouTube link to add here. we can use the same type form or scorecard app for the data collection.

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Imagine if I could show you 90% of a candidates personality benchmarked against your job role before you hired them?

Let's take the guesswork out of your hiring & team building, together.

Discover candidates’ superpowers with science. TL is a UK distributor for Prevue HR. Our assessments are backed by years of ongoing custom research by our own occupational psychologists. Each test goes through a rigorous development process, and our researchers constantly update the norms

We carefully make sure every assessment is valid, accurate, and reliable. With TL Assessments, you can expect consistent results that will help you predict an employee’s future behavior.

Improve your chances of hiring success. Assessments let you objectively get to know a candidate. Ours make a sophisticated process really, really simple. It works. Ready to give it a shot?

Start now and get 15 free track downloads.

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Ideal for freelancers & individuals

+ 2 Featured tracks


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Ideal for Small Medium Businesses

+ 2 Featured tracks


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Ideal for Large, Global Businesses

+ 2 Featured tracks


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We're often asked...

Our coaching team have over 30 years real world practical experience in business. Having owned, scaled and sold multiple businesses, and had a couple of failures along the way, we offer you practical real world experience.  We are happy to deliver our training programmes face to face at your office, or  at a location of your choice, or if you prefer we are able to offer remote training on Zoom, Teams Or Meet.

Our affiliation with LMI enables you to have access to some of the best developed leadership and productivity training available. Developed over 60 years and present in over 90 countries, LMI have trained over 2 million people. (It is not something that started in lockdown!)

We offer a money back guarantee, subject to our terms and conditions on all our services and training programmes. We want to offer value, and our No Risk approach helps you feel confident in engaging with us. If at the mid point of your first training programme we are not providing value as agreed at the outset we offer you a full refund, For our

We are Based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, we offer our services across the whole of the UK. We also have a base in Paphos and offer services in English across the Republic of Cyprus to the many international companies based there.

Other than our introductory workshops all of our courses and materials are delivered over a number of lessons lasting weeks and months, ensuring regular reinforcement of the key concepts and allowing candidates to use the methods and tools in their day to day working lives to ensure they become habits that are effective in the long term.

TL offer 2 ways to work together. We can supply our training and assessments on request, or we can offer a longer term contract where we assess, manage and supply training on a monthly subscription service giving you a full business mentoring and support service. (Min 6 month) This is an excellent way to integrate world class leadership and personal development services into your organisation on an ongoing basis, ensuring full accountability of all participants, ensuring the goals are set, monitored and the action is taken to achieve them. Goal Directed Action ensures results and success.

Still got questions then get in touch, be happy to help.

Find out more in a discovery call


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